My cousin Muniba's wedding - Nabeed, Me , and Rusha being insane
My dear cousin muniba's wedding was on friday and man was it fun! *^_^* and exciting. we stole the shoes and held them for ransom and everything. It was a very Dhesi wedding. and then there was nabeed, me, and rusha, scheming. stealing ryans shoes and all. nabeed planned it and promoted shadman from support team to shoe stealer, so nabee and shadman stole the shoes. i was the distractin, making sure ryan was unaware of the shoe stealing. rusha was on the support team. we ended up getting 300 bucks out of ryan. but we had to share with all the kids. so we got 20 $ each and then we got another 20 bucks each (me nabeed and rusha only) for washing his hands. ah yes. i love dhesi tradition. it's so awsome. *^_^*. after that we messed around and here are the pics we took.explanation
Nabeed - hijabi man!!! ( he took me scarf and wore it like a hijab so he could look like a girl.
Me - I was supposed to be "wanna be purto rican woman"
Rusha - was just rusha. !
^Nabeed being hijabi man looking like a girl XD

^pretending to get married...

^ me being "wanna be puerto rican woman" cuz i look hispanic.

^Me and rusha - being me and rusha...
^ another pic of yours truly

^Hijabi man strikes again... (he was having way too much fun looking like a womanly man)

^me and my cousin the hijabi man acting like we're the greatest thing sinced sliced bread
well, wasn't that fun? . *^_^*
Nabeed - hijabi man!!! ( he took me scarf and wore it like a hijab so he could look like a girl.
Me - I was supposed to be "wanna be purto rican woman"
Rusha - was just rusha. !
^Nabeed being hijabi man looking like a girl XD

^pretending to get married...

^ me being "wanna be puerto rican woman" cuz i look hispanic.

^Me and rusha - being me and rusha...

^ another pic of yours truly

^Hijabi man strikes again... (he was having way too much fun looking like a womanly man)

^me and my cousin the hijabi man acting like we're the greatest thing sinced sliced bread
well, wasn't that fun? . *^_^*
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