post its at often (don't even think about the title, it's not meant to make sense)
I haven't posted ( post ed, post it, post its, lol) in a while, thoughi am working on a mad awsome theory about stuff intertwined and stuff and it's really good so far. The funny part of this story, have you ever watched blue's clues? Do you remember the handy dandy notebook, shaped like a couch? Well, I'm writing my theory down on a star shaped version of that. Sad huh? But it's just more fun and inspiring than a regular composition notebook. Somehow, spiral and composition notebooks remind me of cubicles, and there is only so much you can think about related to cubicles. Cubicles scare me, and yet i love sitting in a cubicle if the conputer is working. and even if it isn't, cubicles have a lot of privacy if there's a door. But seriously, i'm working on a really good theory that may one day change the world. ok, not really, but one day, some college proffesor will force their students to write a reflection on these thoughts. yeah. that would be sad, considering i'm only 13. but i can't stand it when teachers do that. it's ok if they make us read it and then have a discussion in class about it, which is much better. but the whole write a reflection on blah blah blah, it's due tommorrow. it takes the fun out of reading man... but seriously, wiat. the suspense may as well end up killling you, but wait, i have a awsome post coming up about art, math, science, history, art, language arts philosphy, music, etc,. are all awsomely interconnected in mass web of connect-ed-ness.... but seriouly, it's gonna be good. okay. maybe i am exagerating. but it's all okay. but really, you should read it. it may aste a whole 5 minutes of you life. great. now i'm underestimating my own ability to present ideas in intresting ways. anyway, here is some other stuff i've been thinking about-

Oh and i also got an 8th grade "dance" coming up. i'm going for the free food. yup. pay the price for one ticket then you can munch away and the mad awsomeness of the sugary goodness. mmmm... sugary goodness in my veins... well, stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- We are all different, and in that aspect, we are all the same
- There are no dangerous ideas (morally wrong maybe tho), but there are dangerous actions
- Analyzing can a)give you a better understanding of something. b) give something a meaning it shouldn't have
- We never grow up, we just grow old

Oh and i also got an 8th grade "dance" coming up. i'm going for the free food. yup. pay the price for one ticket then you can munch away and the mad awsomeness of the sugary goodness. mmmm... sugary goodness in my veins... well, stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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