Hardcore Studying!!!!!!!!(true story!)

Look at the peice of paper in the picture. (click for larger view)
What you might be thinking is , "What are those spots of red on that geometry semster review sheet? Could it be blood? Could it be juice?"
To begin from the begining, I have finals next week (and had one on friday).
So i was studting friday night for my geometry final (which is on tuesday)., And the strangest thing happend. There was a vicious lighting storm, trees fell, electricity lines fell because of trees, and all the electricity in the entire area blew out while I was studying. I the the midst of this adversity, I began to light candles And study by candlelight. Amazingly, i managed to get some work done. After about a couple hours of drudgery and working by dim cadlelight, i had moved the candle and accidently spilled hot, liquid candlewax on my paper. That's how hardcore I am. I study by candlelight if I have to.
Plus those hours i had spent some quality time with my mother with arguing (but it was funny, upbeat, and filled with wimsical laughter). When my dad came home we talked and laughed a bit more. I asked him whether he sawn any "trees" fall ont powerline when he drove home. he thought I had said "cheese". He was all like, "what?".
and we laughed about that.
I got sleepy early though because of all the carbon dioxidefrom the candles.
i just have one conclusion...
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