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Monday, March 10, 2008

book a day (or 2 days)

hmm.... i'm trying to re-enchant myself with learning after and during the horrors of the school system... so i'm trying to read a book a day or every 2 days, and it has to be worthwhile. if a book is boring me to death within the forst, like, 40-50 pages, it fails and i start the next one...
Today's task: read Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carrol ,
and tomorrow, i'm going to finish the 4rth Artemis fowl book,
and then the next day a lare comic book about marvel comics
ad then for a few days the cirque du freak series,
and then the trial by kafke, and then the goosebumps books and other crap from the 90's i have yet to read, and just stuff...

also, i'm working on another project (not for school) about the school system....
WHY IS IT THAT I NEVER SEEM TO FINISH ANY OF MY PROJECTS!!!??/??!!?!?!?!?!??!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?INTEROBANG(?+!=interobang) ?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!


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