Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005
Holy Holy Holy Holy Holy Crap!!!!! I have home work in 6 subjects today. All due tomorrow !!! why me!!!!!!!! so so so so so so so much work. and impossible thing on william shakespeare, math ws, science ws and wb and textb, social studies worksheet, i need to get something signed for tech ed, and i have to translate something for spanish cuz i wasn't able to be in spanish class today and a ws. Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap Crap. yeah. my teachers hate children. hahahahahaha. why am i laughing. i should be crying! wawawawawaawawa!!!!! well, i better get to work...
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Oh God no... Tha relatives are coming the relatives are coming!!!
yo, like, my relatives came over and are giving me a headache. i just covered a couple of there mouths with surgical tape. the little girl was making a trilling elephant. the seven year old kid. she is adorable but loud. and my relatives stole my phone and prank called the person who likes me. i think his mom picked up the phone.. . that was messed up. omg. then i tried e-mailing or IMing him to say sorry and then my uncle pushed me out of the way and started scaring him away with the crazy typing. and i was trying to push my uncle away from the keyboard but all the little kids at my house ganged up on me and kept me away from the keyboard . it was 4 aganist 1. i tried really hard to to stop them from scaring him away but i was to late. by the time i beat them off it was too late. me' friend hath logged off. then there was the screaming and and the yelling and the me having to beat up the crap out of my cousin julie. gosh. i never thought i could beat up an older kid. haha. she totally deserved it for messing w/ my friend. . . it got loud after a while and i got a headache. i went inside the closet and hid in there till everybody shut up. i am never going to let them in my room again. not the one's that messed with my computer anyway... haha. now it is all calm in here and quiet and now i am sitting here watching music videos with the only cousin that has not left. omg. it is so very quiet. yay!!!!! now i'm trying to figure out how to fix what's left of my sanity. and to see if he'lll still talk to me after what happened.
well readers i hope your day went better than mine.
well readers i hope your day went better than mine.
Friday, November 25, 2005
thanksgiving dinner

my aunt and uncle came over. that is ok. there kinda cool. but i am stuck with a whiny seven year old and a sick sick 16 year old too. arrrg. what the heck is wrong? omg. they are so messed up. but they're family and i love them. but oh why wont they stop being stoopid. oh why why why why why me? but i guess everyone has kooky relatives. haha. 'cept these r little kids who can tell their parents if i don't let them do what they want, well, one is older than me but oh well. they can tell their parents and then they are going to tell everyone else and i will be socially punished throughout the family just cuz i was being fair. i'm fair. i let that little 7 year old play on my computer for 3 hours and when i sat down she wanted to play more. oh, she's just a little kid? well, she's a spoiled little kid. her older sister is sick minded but at least she is not whiny. it's times like these you want to have the power to make certain relatives just shut up. oh well. just talking and talking and talking. it's not the talking i mind it's the repititiousness and and stoopidity. randomness is ok. every few times time these 2 sisters come over they give me a headache. but ya know what ? i don't care. i still love 'em tho. the older one is fun to be with and the younger one is just adorable. oh the younger one can have the longest conversations. she's a lot of fun to be with when she's not whining. pur family is celebrating thanksgiving 2 day's late cuz my mom had to work on call during thanks giving and our turkey takes a day to prepare. cuz it's just so good and carefully made. yeah. tomorrow we'll have more relatives come over and we ar gonna have more chaos at our house. and i shall lock myself in the closet like i like to do to stay away from it.
on to thanksgiving. why bother having just one day a year for thanksgiving? i mean, shouldn't we just be thankful everyday? yesterday i was watching the history channel and i actually learned that thanksgiving was invented to unite the country during the civil war. then they said something about FDR and stuff i kinda zoned out after a while. arrh. well readers, see ya on the flip side!
ps, some of my friends know me as sandwich. hahaha.
*my thought of the day:
Oh how stoopidity has consumed us all in the neverending staircase of ignorace. As their is no limit to how much we can know, how much we can learn, there is no limit to how much we don't know and don't choose to learn as well, and is measured in units of ignorance squared.
*2nd thought:
Learn to live, learn to love, and learn to love life...
the mighty taco shall take over the world through taco bell and alll shall live the tacos. muahahahahhahahahahaa.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
i'm thinkin
i'm think'n of writing a story. a book series maybe. called innocence. it's gonna be about, well, i won't say cuz i'm afraid someone might steal the idea. i will write it with my obvious pen name, Sir. muahahaha. it's going to be fiction and not a romance novel(i hate romance novels). that's all i'll tell you. *^_^*
Doom song
Doom doOM doom doom dOOM DOOm doom.......
Beware the dancing monkeys.....cuz they are rabbid....
Beware the dancing monkeys.....cuz they are rabbid....