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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Hiding in lockers and scaring the **** out of people!!

So if you've ever seen me at school in my locker, you know what i mean.
I will often
a) just stand in my locker looking at people's reactions as they walk by
b)hide in my locker and pop out at the right moment to scare the holy crap out of them as they walk by...
this is done for several inexplicable reasons due to my eclectic nature...

here is a part of a comic by kiki jones (taken from

Friday, April 04, 2008

My Very Complex relationship with the sailor moon series...

Oh the mixed feelings

So we got into a converation in school today with me, another student, and a teacher somehow began a conversation about transformers, anyway, so we brought up whether or not i liked sailor moon... i said that i did like it but it was out of peer pressure... actually my original "official" fandom was perpetuated not by "peers" but they were actually lie 5 years old and i was 9...
yeah, no one in my class watched cartoons that weren't spongebob....
Anyway, so conceptually the show was really good,, but so many other things were butchered...
so those kids would constantly force me to draw the charachters from the show, which i hadn't watched in a year because it was cancelled in the US.
Because of thses kids, i got re-intrested in this show, and also, art, which is what has been one of the things that has kept me witht he show. that and nostalgia and one charachter i will talk about later.

Anyway,my list of things that are wrong with the show
corny music
tranformation filler scenes that totally failed
the fact thet the main charachter is an airheaded ditz
and a whole bunch of other things...
Exhibit A: Here is sailor moon (the main charachter)'s transformation scenes that took up retarded time and the television version of this was for kids, while in the transformation sequences you would ee all the contours of her body... which is just wrong because she's 14...

Exhibit B
What kept me hooked to this series to this day, despite the retarded girly-ness pink things overdose, was one single charachter, who didn't even show up in the series that much(only made 29 appearances in the entire series), was sailor saturn/hotaru tomoe
the best effing charachter on the sho (second best was pluto and then mercury)
She was so dark and myterious and such an outcast and hated by even some other scouts because of her amazing ability to destroy planets and her awsome power. If it wasn't for the Imperium Silver Crystal Hotaru would be the most poweful charachter and at the time as a 9 year old i really connected to her (and i kinda still do)
google her background story it's effing cool
her overall presence is what made the show as cool, without her charachter (effing voice actor), the show would not be nearly as "good"

here is the season finally of Sailor Moon S
As you can see, they had such a great concept to work with but ruined it... hance, i like the manga better, i can imagine it better ^_^
these thre links are episode 125 (in 3 parts)

in addition the voice acting was horrible...
episode where she was introduced

othere general clips with hotaru , hotaru being the cool part...
also the absolute crazy creatures keep things new...

these would be SOOO much better if they had better voice actors....

OH and that thing about sailor moon being a girl thing, i know so many effing guys that watched sailor moon... haha
