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Sunday, July 20, 2008

So like, totally going to bangladesh this summer + short story

Although, it's later than i expected. i went last year too :P
anyway, to whom it may concern, if you are viewing this blog post on facebook, my previous facebook note should have other info on this, so i shall not dwell on it.

I was goona write a short story. but now i don't fell like it. too bad for you.

i leave you with the fear of a thousand screaming alien babies running after your slowly mutating body, as you turn into a giant running sausage. And when your transformation is complete, you will be eaten by stray rats and dogs. haha. that or the alien babies will eat you OR their parents will take you as a science experiment no human genetics... and sausage.

Friday, July 11, 2008

So i'm 7 years old again

so like, after living with my mom (without my dad being there) for a month my mind, like, my psychological make-up (the way i feel, think, etc) has reverted back to my 7/8 year old stages. that was before my mom started working in NY. i mean, i've spent the summer with my mom before, but usually she was never home because she was always working.
when i was 7/8, my dad was kinda always at work so it's like it is now.
i'm coming back to MD on monday. hopefully i can get back to being the childult (HA i will never be a retarded teeneger :P. that is why i as a 16 year old is a childult mwahahahaha)
seriously. like, i was a messed up little kid. i am so friggin afraid of undoing all of my psycological progress. D=

so i'm pretty much a miserable psychologically disturbed little kid again. whooo hoooo
i have no idea how this happened.
