Thursday, March 30, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Offensive, or Not? You tell me...
today in signet(all the intresting stuff seems to happen in signet, doesn't it?) we had to do something that involved creativity. we had to create omething with limited materials:1 peice of paper, a peice of string, 4 toothpicks, and a couple other things. What really kinda bothered me was that one of the groups in class depicted the crucifiction of Jesus Christ(peace be upon him) in Jerusalem. Now, the fact that it was something religous in school didn't bother me, it was the fct they depicted Jesus(peace be upon him) at all. i mean, that was kinda wrong. I mean, it would be ok if it was just a cross or whatever but they actually depicted him(with some yellow play-doh by the way) at all. I mean, that was offensive, since the depiction of any prophet is against my religon. i mean, if they do that stuff at home or somewhere else, that doesn' affect me so i'm ok with it, but it was just... i felt kind of unaccounted for and like no one cared about what i thought of it. i spoke out too. but ya know what? only a couple of other kids in class agreed with the fact it was disturbing. of course i didn't get a chance to explain the whole thing. all i had time to say was that it was kind of offensive. I mean, it would have been ok if the just made a cross to symbolize it but they went and made a clay-like creation of that prophet. I mean, that's kinda what started the riots in Denmark and stuff, the depiction of the prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him). So tell me, should i feel offended or should i feel dumb about getting riled up about the whole thing and forget about it?
PS- i don't hate anyone or any country or any religon. I just felt it was nessasary for people to no i am not comfortable with public display of prophets where i can see it. That was a really creative thing they did. it's just that it felt really wierd. symbols=ok. actual depictions=not okay(to me) School is my escape from lonliness (i am an only child), and i feel i should be comfortable there.
PPS. I might add stuff to the post later if i forgot to put something down. oh, and thanks for listening.
PS- i don't hate anyone or any country or any religon. I just felt it was nessasary for people to no i am not comfortable with public display of prophets where i can see it. That was a really creative thing they did. it's just that it felt really wierd. symbols=ok. actual depictions=not okay(to me) School is my escape from lonliness (i am an only child), and i feel i should be comfortable there.
PPS. I might add stuff to the post later if i forgot to put something down. oh, and thanks for listening.
just to clear this up
SiR is my pen name because SR are my initials. anther would be that if you are an invader zim fan like me then you will remember that SIR is the robotics unit of the irken army helping th invaders. SiR as apposed to Gir(the most adorable robot ever) because , again, my initials. Yes, i am a girl, not a guy. SiR just sounds really cool. the i was added for pronouncing purposes. that was just to clear up the confusion. ok. end note, not all of my posts are here. if you would like to see my other post that don't appear on this page, look in the archives which are organized by the month and year the post was written in. *^_^*
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
CD cover

If I had a band, they would be called Broken Souls(cuz your minds gotta be pretty screwed to wanna be in a band with me) and this would be a sample CD cover. don't laugh, cuz it took me days to draw and a couple hours to edit w/ the computer. ROAR!!!yeah, kids at school were freaked out. first they said "what the f***" or "what's wrong with you" or just "o...k..." , then theys just shuts ups and walks aways...Not to mention I had to hide the drawings from my teachers... they probably would have forced my parents to get me a phsyciatrist or made me see the 7th grade counciler(i drew this last year) who happens to be a scary person... To close for comfort... I miss my homeroom class from last year, and the year before, so randomy awsome. i had the coolest teachers. Mr.Demetri in 6th grade and Mr.Bailey in 7th. they were awsome. i didn't feel like i had to calm down or act a certain way. i was allowed to be myself(if that's what you can call it...) in homeroom. *sigh*. i miss that. now i'm surrounded by even more idiuts and stuff. almost none of my friends are in any of my classes. Just a couple.This really sux. stoopid children. don't understand nuthin.
thoughts... at school are too stoopid to figure out it's symbolic... at skool are just plain stoopid.
3.Nothing to do with this, but my science teacher adors me(me:yes, i'm a teacher's pet, wat's i' to ya'? huh? HUH? you got a prablom with children who happen to be nerds?!?! You do know that as a nerd, i shall take over the planet and/or end world hunger?!?!?!)
4. I

5. I love rambling like the moron I am...muahaha
6.yes , i know i miss splelled like a million things, i did that on purpose doofus, if you are a doofus.
Friday, March 17, 2006
shut me up by mindless self indulgence.
Jhonen Vasquez Directed this Video!!!!!!!! Thus making it cool. The video is so bad it's good. really random.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
BEHOLD! You have reached the boundary of reality, my mind.
let go of your sanity before reading. then it will make sense. you have to get rid of your opinion and think with a clean slate to understand my thoughts.
today in signet we watched a movie called "the truman show". it was a good movie. after we watched the movie wehad to answer some questions. i chose to answer the 2 questions of what is my perspective of reality and whether something can be real and made up. the answer i had was kinda combined. what i said was
reality is different for everyone. there are as many worlds as there are people. i.e; schitzofranic person wpuld see reality as the images he sees. reality is to a person as artwork is to an artist. and to answer the other question, yes, something can be made up and real. because all reality is is a state of mind . this mind is shaped by us and stuff. one example. two people can be twins, grow up together , in the same environment, but one person may see life as a joy, a wonder, and a series of challenges while the other might see life as a cage, a predictable system, a prisonment of some sort, and a planned machine. these are two diiferent realities of two different people. this is the reason so many people aren't understood, because everyone lives in the world that they beievle is real. and the prosses of thinking is different.
you may call me insane, but please also acknowlegde that even if you don't agree with my thoughts, i am, a thinker in that. i have a mind. and i use it.
yes, the deep side. the side of me i usually don't let people see(you lucky duck, you got a glimpse) because it is my weak side, the side of me that is most vulnerable to attack, the side that if people saw they'd be to freaked out to talk to me. because it is my reality, my understanding of the world is so different...
tho i bet a couple people might understand(thank Allah for that gift on Earth of intelligent people) i am worried about debate cuz i dislike confrontation. hahaha. if you really want to know, i don't always smile like people think. i have'nt smiled in a while(quite a few minutes) . it's because of my reputation of being so... "happy". i am mistaken as happy when i am really hyper. there is a difference you know.
well, i would like to elaborate but i am swamped with work. thnks for choosing "LIfe seen from eyes non other than my own"(the title itself indicated that this blog is my way of telling people my reality ) for your reading privaledges. thank you.
good night. *~_~*
today in signet we watched a movie called "the truman show". it was a good movie. after we watched the movie wehad to answer some questions. i chose to answer the 2 questions of what is my perspective of reality and whether something can be real and made up. the answer i had was kinda combined. what i said was
reality is different for everyone. there are as many worlds as there are people. i.e; schitzofranic person wpuld see reality as the images he sees. reality is to a person as artwork is to an artist. and to answer the other question, yes, something can be made up and real. because all reality is is a state of mind . this mind is shaped by us and stuff. one example. two people can be twins, grow up together , in the same environment, but one person may see life as a joy, a wonder, and a series of challenges while the other might see life as a cage, a predictable system, a prisonment of some sort, and a planned machine. these are two diiferent realities of two different people. this is the reason so many people aren't understood, because everyone lives in the world that they beievle is real. and the prosses of thinking is different.
you may call me insane, but please also acknowlegde that even if you don't agree with my thoughts, i am, a thinker in that. i have a mind. and i use it.
yes, the deep side. the side of me i usually don't let people see(you lucky duck, you got a glimpse) because it is my weak side, the side of me that is most vulnerable to attack, the side that if people saw they'd be to freaked out to talk to me. because it is my reality, my understanding of the world is so different...
tho i bet a couple people might understand(thank Allah for that gift on Earth of intelligent people) i am worried about debate cuz i dislike confrontation. hahaha. if you really want to know, i don't always smile like people think. i have'nt smiled in a while(quite a few minutes) . it's because of my reputation of being so... "happy". i am mistaken as happy when i am really hyper. there is a difference you know.
well, i would like to elaborate but i am swamped with work. thnks for choosing "LIfe seen from eyes non other than my own"(the title itself indicated that this blog is my way of telling people my reality ) for your reading privaledges. thank you.
good night. *~_~*
Monday, March 06, 2006
for once, today, nothing went wrong. i don't care that it was boring, i'm just happy nothing went wrong. there are very few days like that. i'm rather getting yelled at or trying to fix a mistake before i get yelled at. but today, everything went not wrong and i'm ecstatic(happy, for our younger readers).
Thursday, March 02, 2006
99 red balloons-goldfingerversion
this is the goldfinger rendition of a song that was orgonally written in German by the German band: Nena.
the song was awsome and stuff and yeah and ok... YAY!!! I'm Insane!!!But it's still an awsome song!!!!!! the video kinda didn't embrace the meaning of the song... but oh well.